Four Reasons to Embrace Cloud Technology for Real-Time Collaboration
As extreme weather events and pandemics make supply chains less predictable, companies are partnering with external organizations to manage these challenges efficiently and cost-effectively. New partners add complexity to an already elaborate supply chain, requiring flawless communication among its many...
Enhancing Value in Your Supply Chain With Automation
With companies facing labor challenges and rising inflation across all industries, automation and robotics offer measurable relief, enabling increased productivity and a more efficient use of human capital. Two to three years ago, only about 5% of warehouses in the...
Compressing the Decision Cycle: How Supply Chain Leaders Can Adapt
With the convergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing natural disasters, global supply chain problems such as product shortages, congestion and price spikes have become more prevalent. Consequently, companies have had to compress their response times to these crises, forcing...
How to Achieve Both Lean & Agile Supply Chain Management
Lean worked then and still does now. But there are also those who feel that supply chain management must move to embrace agile principles across the board. A report by McKinsey & Co. notes: “Lean organizations seek to identify and eliminate...
An HAR Website and Brand Rejuvenation
H.A Ramtoola & Sons Ltd (HAR) is excited to unveil today a new company website that reflects the differentiated and innovative value our company brings to customers, employees, and the Mauritian supply chain marketplace. Since its inception in 1968, HAR...